About Richard Smaizys

Richard (native name Ričardas Šmaižys) is a specialist with high standards both for himself and his employees, focusing first and foremost on ensuring the highest quality of code and proper technical decisions. Throughout his career, he learned that every detail no matter how small is important, and creating value for the client is impossible without long-term strategic decisions based on stats and metrics.

Richard uses his logical thinking and coding skills, and the knowledge obtained during his undergrad and graduate studies in Computer Science to set up and optimize processes that make workflow smoother. His skillset is complemented by creative writing which he polished by blogging and writing articles for many years. This helps Richard to apply outside-the-box solutions when approaching and solving complex issues.

Knowledge gained while working in the largest IT market in the US and multiple years of experience in Lithuania with the largest local companies formed a high-level specialist who first of all seeks to partner with his clients and create tangible value by consulting, teaching and advising on how to fine-tune the necessary IT processes, especially when building and managing e-commerce stores.

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You can also visit my GitHub repositories by clicking this link.

PrestaRock – rock solid e-commerce solutions


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